Philippina, Teil 4

Jo, Rosemary gibt sich wieder einmal die Ehre und übersendet der Lady von den Philippinen zunächst einmal das angeforderte Foto.Ich habe dieses Bild bei gefunden; der Fotograf bei dem auch die Urheberrechte liegen heißt Dirk Schelpe (gemäß der Nutzungsbedingungen von pixelio muss ich diese Angaben machen, um das Bild verwenden zu dürfen).

So also sieht Rosy jetzt aus. Rosy ist leider bald im Urlaub, aber wild entschlossen, die 18 Millionen vorher noch abzugreifen. Sie bietet Susan an, ebenfalls einen Anwalt als Experten einzuschalten. Doch lest selbst:

“Dear Susan,

I hope you are well. Thank you very much for getting in touch again and for providing me with the photos. Attached you will find a picture of me. It was taken during a trip to Cannes (France). I had breakfast in a very pleasant hotel. I have been there with a girlfriend a we have started every day with a decent champagner breakfast.

Oh poor Susan! The cancer picture you have sent over looks terrible. I know that the Lord will help you to bear the pain during your last days. HIS powers are endless. And you have already proven that you are worth it to be embraced by his love.

Your husband looks very handsome. I am sure that you have had a lovely time together. One can see how lucky you both were in the past and that you have enriched each others life.

Oh poor Susan! all this is so unbelievable sad! I will spent the rest of my life in choosing the right christian organisations for your money in order to ensure that the money will not be wasted and will be spent in HIS name and in HIS favor.

I can provide you with my details (altough I have no fax), of course but I have to confess that my English is very poor. Without the interpreter program installed on my PC I would not be able to communicate with you. I am writing the main parts of my email in German and the program translates the fragments in English automatically. Does your lawyer speak German?

Susan, like always the timing is not the best. I will be on vacations from Wdnesday onwards for the next 14 days, with only limited acces to internet (I suppose). Having said this, do you think it would be good idea to contact my lawyer as well? Maybe the two experts could find an easy and fast way to set the money free and to transfer it t my accounts.

I would have to pay my lawyer, of course, therefore I will not contact him before you give me a go.

I am really looking forward to hearing from you soon and I hope this wlll be before I will be on vacation.

Best regards,

Mal schaun’ was Susan jetzt macht…

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